A Few Words

About Us

Exceptional Service

Practical Advice You Can Count on

Focus Your Time and Efforts on Running Your Business and Leave the Bookkeeping to Us.

We can help you reclaim your time and energy wasted on stressing over reports and accounts receivable so you can sit back and know you are getting paid what you’re worth.  We know what value you bring to the table with your business.  We want you to know this as well!

Bookkeeping Services

Accurate Record Keeping Is a Key Component to the Success of Your Business.

Gale and Claire both love seeing the numbers balance and cash flow increase for our own businesses, which happens when the books are properly done.  We joined together to create Noteworthy Bookkeeping Solutions to bring this clarity to others who want to see their businesses not just survive, but to thrive.

Almost 10 years ago, Gale and her husband were running a small business.  In an attempt to keep organized, they found a free online accounting system.  That’s where the trouble began.  The software was not intuitive and they did not know what was necessary for proper bookkeeping.  Very soon, the books were too complicated and they little understanding of where the business actually stood.  Many lessons were learned along the way.

By 2018, Claire was now running her own small business.  One of the first things Gale mentioned to her was “make sure to give your clients receipts and keep track of expenses.”  In the early days, she didn’t keep detailed books because it felt overwhelming.  But, when it became her main source of income and tax season came around, the need for thorough and accurate books became apparent.  After learning how to accurately keep her own books, Claire realized how much she enjoyed bookkeeping. 

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